Condition is an online publication founded to deliver personal and evergreen written works.

Our Beliefs

  • No Advertising

    Ads aren't great for reading or privacy, so we aspire to remain ad free. As a result, we'd love your support.

  • Evergreen

    Works on Condition aim to be just as relevant years from now as they were when first published.

  • Diversity Matters

    Condition is all about stories, and it's important to us that everyone gets a chance to tell theirs.

  • Tasteful Sharing

    You won't find social sharing buttons anywhere on Condition. If our pieces are worth sharing, we believe our readers will share them.

  • Pay or Donation

    Contributors can opt to have their payment instead be donated to a cause or charity of their choosing.

  • Transparency

    How we operate shouldn't be a mystery, and we'll work hard to keep our readers in the loop.

Team & Contributors

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